Pharmaceutics Quiz

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Pharmaceutics Quiz (Part-1) :

Pharmaceutics Quiz (Part-1)

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1 / 25

1. In which year was the Pharmacy Council of India established?

2 / 25

2. How would you describe regular soda lime glass compared to Type II glass?

3 / 25

3. What characterizes thermoplastics?

4 / 25

4. What material is used for containers storing injectables?

5 / 25

5. Who is considered the father of pharmacy education in India?

6 / 25

6. What serves as a fusion agent in glass composition?

7 / 25

7. What is the fibrous raw material used for paper production?

8 / 25

8. When was the third edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia published?

9 / 25

9. What packaging material is suitable for storing photosensitive pharmaceutical products?

10 / 25

10. Which artificial sweeteners are FDAapproved?

11 / 25

11. What is the term for the package directly in contact with the formulation?

12 / 25

12. Who chaired the first edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia published in 1955?

13 / 25

13. What does PCI stand for?

14 / 25

14. Who is recognized as the father of medicine?

15 / 25

15. What is Type II glass commonly known as?

16 / 25

16. Where are artificial sweeteners commonly found?

17 / 25

17. Who produces the Extra Pharmacopoeia?

18 / 25

18. How are plastic containers sterilized?

19 / 25

19. When was the most recent edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia published?

20 / 25

20. What does "Pharmakon" mean?

21 / 25

21. When was the first edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia published?

22 / 25

22. In which year was the first edition of the US Pharmacopoeia (USP) published?

23 / 25

23. What sweetening agent is used in toothpastes?

24 / 25

24. What does USP stand for?

25 / 25

25. What are cullets?

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Pharmaceutics Quiz (Part-2) :

Pharmaceutics Quiz (Part-2)

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1 / 25

1. The process of levitation is known as:

2 / 25

2. Mechanism on which Fluid Energy Mill operates in:

3 / 25

3. What is used as a flavouring agent?

4 / 25

4. Cutter mill is fitted with knives.

5 / 25

5. Which of the following mills is free from wear?

6 / 25

6. Mechanism on which Cutter Mill operates is:

7 / 25

7. Technique used to separate particles of specified size is called as:

8 / 25

8. Which of the following substances is size reduced by precipitation method?

9 / 25

9. How is Benzalkonium chloride categorized?

10 / 25

10. Which of the following mills works on the principle of both attrition and impact?

11 / 25

11. Size reduction is always carried out in the colloid mill in presence of

12 / 25

12. The Ball Mill cylinder contains metallic balls occupying around total capacity.

13 / 25

13. Fluid energy mill is also known as:

14 / 25

14. A powder, all the particles of which pass through a Sieve No. 44 and not more than 40% pass through Sieve No. 85 is called a:

15 / 25

15. Which is a synthetic sweetener?

16 / 25

16. Separation of particles of various sizes, shapes, and densities by allowing them to settle in a fluid is called:

17 / 25

17. What determines the success or failure of a preservative in preventing microbial spoilage?

18 / 25

18. Which type of particles is preferred for compound powders?

19 / 25

19. What are widely used and excellent preservatives?

20 / 25

20. Which sugar has a bitter taste?

21 / 25

21. Mechanism on which Hammer Mill operates is:

22 / 25

22. Mechanism on which Ball Mill operates is:

23 / 25

23. Which flavour is not associated with a sour taste?

24 / 25

24. Fluid energy mill produces particle size in __________ range.

25 / 25

25. Brittle drugs are size-reduced by which mill?

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Pharmaceutics Quiz (Part-3) :

Pharmaceutics Quiz (Part-3)

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1 / 25

1. According to Indian Pharmacopoeia, 'Coarse Powder' means:

2 / 25

2. Sieve number is:

3 / 25

3. Which mixture is irreversible in nature:

4 / 25

4. The common method of extraction of clove oil is

5 / 25

5. The energy consumed by ball mill depends on

6 / 25

6. Which mixer is used for mixing of powders?

7 / 25

7. The technique of separation of undissolved matter is called as

8 / 25

8. In sieving method, sieves are arranged in order.

9 / 25

9. Mixing of semisolids is carried out using:

10 / 25

10. What do you mean by filter cake?

11 / 25

11. Which of the following does not influence filtration?

12 / 25

12. _____________ is commonly used for mixing free-flowing powdered having material uniform particle size and density.

13 / 25

13. In which action of filtration are colloidal particles removed?

14 / 25

14. Which of the following statements are true about "Sieves for pharmaceuticals testing"?

15 / 25

15. The slurry is:

16 / 25

16. Solvent extraction is basically known as:

17 / 25

17. _____ can be used to separate the suspension of solid in a gas as well as liquid.

18 / 25

18. Given below are size separation techniques except:

19 / 25

19. __________ is an efficient design for mixing powders of different densities.

20 / 25

20. What is the pore size of the filtration membrane to remove bacteria?

21 / 25

21. Which of the following processes is used to separate insoluble particles from liquids?

22 / 25

22. The pore size for the removal of viruses is:

23 / 25

23. Mechanism not used for solid-solid mixing

24 / 25

24. ____ is often attached to ball mill or hammer mill to separate the over particles and further size reduction

25 / 25

25. Which of the following filters is used in the filtration of bacteria?

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Pharmaceutics Quiz (Part-4) :

Pharmaceutics Quiz (Part-4)

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1 / 25

1. Empty capsule shells are made using which of the following material:

2 / 25

2. Hardness of tablet is measured by:

3 / 25

3. Which method of separation involves removal of components from solution in precipitate form?

4 / 25

4. Main disadvantage of tragacanth as binder is

5 / 25

5. Starch mucilage is used in concentration

6 / 25

6. Which of the following filling materials is not used for soft gel capsule?

7 / 25

7. Which one of the following is observed in extraction:

8 / 25

8. Extraction of vegetable drugs with cold and boiling water for a short time is:

9 / 25

9. Simple syrup is a saturated solution of:

10 / 25

10. With what is the feed introduced in the spray dryer?

11 / 25

11. Which materials are not used in drying in a freeze dryer?

12 / 25

12. Lyophilization is also known as:

13 / 25

13. Which of the following plasticizer is preferred in capsule manufacturing?

14 / 25

14. Disintegration rate of the tablets can be increased by:

15 / 25

15. Which is the first step in sugar coating?

16 / 25

16. Chemically "gelatin" is:

17 / 25

17. Gelatin with high bloom strength is used in manufacturing of

18 / 25

18. What should be the moisture content of a hard gelatin capsule?

19 / 25

19. Bloom strength is the main test for:

20 / 25

20. Which of the following is relative to "Slugging"?

21 / 25

21. Smallest size of capsule is denoted by which number?

22 / 25

22. Extraction does not involve one of the following components:

23 / 25

23. The 000 size capsules can fill the volume of

24 / 25

24. Which of the following lubricants is not used in oral tablets?

25 / 25

25. Capsules are:

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Vinit Kumar

Vinit Kumar

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